Your Personal Concierge:
Leanne Elliott

As Managing Director of Cornerstone Concierge, Leanne will ensure that your experience will be easy, friendly, discreet and seamless.
With Masters level qualifications and experience in Business Administration, change and dispute resolution, Leanne brings expert skills in:
– working in partnership with others to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes
– bringing a thoughtful and considered response to any situation
– finding flexible and workable solutions to many problems
– agile communication skills, clarifying and confirming for expectation setting
– organising effective and productive activities that achieve the desired result.

Leanne has lived a life just like yours. Self employment and working in large corporates, Leanne relates to your experience of the busy, demanding work life and the desire to have a relaxing and refreshing personal life.

Leanne also has an active community volunteering life:
– a member of Zonta International – Zonta Club of Canberra Breakfast – whose mission is to “empower women through service and advocacy”
– several Board Directorships on Canberra NFPs

Combining career, volunteering and qualifications demonstrates a strong and thoughtful work ethic, lively and wide ranging networks and a huge depth of experiences.

– is a member of the Institute of Concierge and Lifestyle Managers
– is covered by specialist insurance with concierge and vehicle provisions
– has a current ACT Police Check and ACT Working with Vulnerable People clearance

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Will you make more of your time?

Contact Leanne for a complimentary consultation and start your new way of living

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